December 7, 2008

I'm Still That Kid...

Before I could drive, I put others who had a drivers license on a pedestal.  When I would see them driving in their cars, I tried to imagine how they must feel.  In my mind, I thought driving a vehicle on the open road would must make a person feel really grown up and mature inside.

So, when I received my drivers license in 1994 and headed out on the open road by myself, I felt NOTHING like I thought I would feel.  I didn't feel like a grown-up at all.  Actually, I didn't even feel like a 16 year old.  I felt like I was 6 years old inside learning to riding my bicycle out in front of the house for the first time.  I was still very much that kid.  The only difference was I was operating a new toy.

The same is true of me becoming a dad.

Before I became a father, I put other dads I knew on a pedestal.  I thought all dads must "feel" really mature and grown-up inside knowing they have produced life.  When I would see them with their kids, I tried to imagine how they must feel.  In my mind, I thought raising kids must make a guy feel really grown up and mature inside.

However, I still feel 6 years old learning to ride my bicycle.

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